Ducks in the Rain
Pancakes Lipsync
Reel 2018

My reel!

Bleu Cheese Review- Animation

In October 2017 Town and Country magazine reviewed a special kind of seasonal blue cheese. It was "Blew Thunder" by Ruth Reichl. Animated using photos from magazines on a multi plane.

The Escape Goats
Ducks in the Rain
Pancakes Lipsync
Reel 2018
Bleu Cheese Review- Animation
The Escape Goats
Ducks in the Rain
Pancakes Lipsync
Reel 2018

My reel!

Bleu Cheese Review- Animation

In October 2017 Town and Country magazine reviewed a special kind of seasonal blue cheese. It was "Blew Thunder" by Ruth Reichl. Animated using photos from magazines on a multi plane.

The Escape Goats
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